《复仇》 第359期:阿曼达的求助(在线收听

 They framed my father. 他们陷害了我爸爸

You were right. 你说得对
You got what you wanted. 如你所愿
It's what he wanted. 那是他的遗愿
I met a friend of his tonight. 我今晚遇到了他一个朋友
He knew everything, and he was gonna help me. 他知晓一切  还愿意帮我
And now he's dead, too. 现在连他都死了
What? 什么
And unless somebody does something about it, 除非有人采取措施
they will never get what they deserve. 否则他们会永远逍遥法外
Amanda... 阿曼达
More than knowing the truth, 比让你了解真相
your father wanted you to get past all this. 你爸爸更希望你能忘记这一切
Then why did he give me those journals?! 那他为什么给我那些日记
One way or another, these people are gonna pay. 无论如何  这些人都得付出代价的
They're gonna pay for what they did. 他们要为自己的所作所为付出代价
You cannot bring the Graysons down all by yourself. 你无法单凭自己一个人  搞垮格雷森一家
You will never get close enough to expose them. 你都没机会接近他们  将真相曝光
The hell I won't! 才怪
Aman-- 阿曼
Dad, I'm sorry. 爸爸  对不起
Help me. 帮帮我