生活口语天天说 第297期:怎样谈论老虎(在线收听

 What do the tigers feed on? 老虎以什么为食?

What do the tigers feed on? 老虎以什么为食?
Mostly they feed on beef.Sometimes they are fed with live chickens. 它们大多吃牛肉,有时也吃活鸡。
What wild animals are raised in the zoo? 动物园里养了哪些野生动物?
What wild animals are raised in the zoo? 动物园里养了哪些野生动物?
There are tigers,lions,wolves,bears,etc. 有老虎,狮子,狼,熊等等。
Let's go to the bears section. 我们去熊区吧。