
While measles persist in other parts of the world mostly because of a lack of resources to vaccinate people, in the United States, a growing number of people are reluctant to vaccinate their children because they fear it’s dangerous. And we have growing pockets of susceptibility so that when we do have someone travel from New York to Israel or from Europe to Disneyland or whatever you envision, we have the opportunity for much larger outbreaks.


There are now measles cases in fifteen states,including outbreaks in Washington and New York. California, Mississippi and West Virginia do not allow exemptions from vaccinations except for medical reasons. 47 sates allow exemptions. Of those 47, 18 that also allow non-medical exemptions with reasons for personal philosophic beliefs and that is the background.


Most people recover from measles, but in the United States one in 1,000 who contract the disease will die.


The anti-vaccine movement gained momentum when a 1998 study later retracted linked autism to the MMR vaccine that inoculates against measles, mumps and rubella giving ammunition to critics.


Nobody can scientifically say whether the MMR is actually causing more harm and rubella.


The reason for that is like other vaccine, it is, it it’s not required to be safety tested.


But public health agencies and major medical organizations say after decades of use, the MMR vaccine has been proven safe and highly effective.


The autism link has been repeatedly disproved, says vaccine researcher Dr. Peter Hotez whose daughter has autism.


He says misinformation is spread on social media with messages targeted by regions.


So with Texas, they see the soft underbelly being the far political right, the Tea Party and they use tea party language.


Up in the Pacific Northwest and North State Oregon, they might use language in the far left.


The battle is being fought state-by-state.


The parents know more about what’s good for that child and the corrupted regulatory agency isn’t big pharmaceutical companies.


Medical experts say the vaccine is essential to public health because measles is highly contagious.


Even if you’re don’t share the room with the person at the same time, the virus can remain in the air for at least a couple of hours, infecting anyone who is susceptible and potentially causing deadly outbreaks like money underway around the world.

