《复仇》 第377期:掏心掏肺的友情(在线收听

 Be right there! 马上就来

Can I help you? 有什么事吗
Uh, yeah, I'm here about 我来这里
the, uh, cable outages in the neighborhood. 是因为附近的有线电视都中断了
I didn't know there was a problem with my cable. 我家有线电视好像没什么问题
Oh, yeah. 是的
The brownouts fried all the boxes on your block. 电力不足影响到了你们街区所有的电视机
You didn't notice the lights flickering? 你没注意到家里的灯在虚闪吗
Come on in. 进来吧
He couldn't let you do it. 他不能让你那么做
Where is he? 他在哪儿
He wouldn't say. 他没有说
Clearly, whatever it is you're planning tonight, 很明显  不管你今晚计划做什么
It's not the answer. 你可没找对地方
Hey, I wonder what your father would think of this? 我好奇  你父亲对你的这些行为会怎么想
He'd probably wonder how his little girl 他可能会很不解他的宝贝女儿
got to such a point. 怎么会走到这一步
Alone. That's how I got here. 孤独  孤独把我逼至于此
But you're not alone. 但你并不孤独
Nolan intervened so that you wouldn't make 诺兰介入  阻止你犯下
a life-altering mistake. 无法挽回的错误
It's not his job to protect me. 他没必要来保护我
No, that was your mother and father's. 是  那是你父母该做的事