《复仇》 第4期:杳无音讯(在线收听

 End time! 时间到

Go good around, southpaw. 打得不错  左撇子拳王
All right. Tomorrow? 好了  明天继续吗
Yeah, coach. Okay. 是啊  教练  好的
"Southpaw," Is it? 左撇子拳王  是吗
"Bruiser" was already taken, so... "拳击王"的名号已经被占了  所以...
As you know, I bruise easily. 你知道的  我很容易淤青的
Always thinkin'. 一直都那么觉得
Hello, Nolan. 你好啊  诺兰
Ems... Where the hell you been? 艾米  你这段时间去哪儿了啊
Regrouping. 去休整了
Really? 真的吗
Eight weeks, no word. 八个星期  音讯全无
I was beginning to think I'd never see you again. 我还以为再也见不到你了呢
So... Boxing. 所以开始打拳击了嘛
I'm impressed. 真让人刮目相看
And weight training 还有举重训练
and karate. 和空手道
You never know when a white-haired maniac's 保不准什么时候就会有一个浅发疯子
gonna pop out of the shadows 突然从看不见的地方窜出来
with a knife or gun or shoe bomb. 手里拿着一把刀  枪  或鞋体炸弹什么的
Unless... 除非
You didn't go finish the job, did you? 你不是去把那件事了结了吧
My priorities have shifted. 我目前的重点已经变了
You want to go for a drive? 想去兜兜风吗
Sounds vaguely revenge-y. 似乎又有点要去复仇的感觉啊
Where to? 去哪儿
Back to the Hamptons. 回汉普顿