《复仇》 第16期:孩子需要一个稳定的家(在线收听

 You're really gonna do this by yourself? 你一个人能修好么

I don't really have a choice. 这不是别无选择了么
Is that how you feel about me, too? 你对我也是这么想的吗
What? 怎么会
Amanda, don't-- don't say stuff like that. 阿曼达  别说这种话
We're both thinking it, aren't we? 我们都在想这事  不是吗
I mean... 所以
That's why you've been spending 你那么多个晚上
all those nights on the boat, right? 都待在船上  对吗
No, not exactly. 不  不全是
Then what? 那是什么
Jack, once the baby comes, 杰克  一旦孩子出生后
he's gonna need stability. 他需要一个稳定的家庭化境
Me, too. 我也是
You're right. 你说得对
If we're gonna be a family, 我们迟早要成为一家子
we should start living like a family. 我们得像家人一样生活
I'll move my stuff back in tonight, okay? 我今晚就搬回来  行吗
What about Declan? 德克兰怎么办
Yeah, what about me? 对啊  我怎么办