《复仇》 第20期:被利用的女儿(在线收听

 And now, ladies and gentlemen, 女士们先生们

please enjoy the rest of the afternoon 请尽情享受这个下午
and bid generously. 慷慨竞标
Very inspirational, sweetheart. 很鼓舞人心  亲爱的
And heartfelt. 令人动容
Sweet. 很好
Get refills. 去倒满
By all means, allow me. 一定尽我所能
Charlotte, I've just received some upsetting news. 夏洛特  我刚收到一条坏消息
Your blood work came back. It's positive for hydrocodone. 你的血检结果出来了  氢可酮呈阳性
That's impossible. Oh, Charlotte. 不可能  夏洛特
It's okay, Charlotte. We can do another blood test. 没事  夏洛特  可以再测一次
But first we need to get you back to the center. Okay? 但你得先回康复中心  好吗
No, there's been a mistake. 不  这肯定不对
No, stop it. Let go of me. 不  放手  放开我  
Charlotte. Charlotte. 夏洛特  夏洛特
Dad, you did this! 爸爸  是你干的  
Charlotte, calm yourself. 夏洛特  冷静点
You blew up that plane 你炸了那架飞机
and now you're trying to keep me locked up!  For god's sake! 现在又想关住我  说什么呢
Come on, come on. We'll talk. 别这样  别这样  我们好好谈谈
No! Emily! 不  艾米莉
Hey. 嘿
Whoa. Hey, take it easy. 放轻松
What did I miss? 我错过了什么