《复仇》第4集 第26期:阿曼达快不行了(在线收听

 How is she? 她还好吗

We had to perform an emergency c-section. 我们不得不进行紧急剖腹产
Unfortunately, she was already battling internal injuries 糟糕的是  她本身已内伤严重
and massive blood loss. 大量失血
We were forced to induce a coma. 陷入了昏迷状态
How's the baby? 那孩子呢
His oxygen levels are lower than we'd like, 他的氧含量低于预期
so we've put him in the NICU for treatment. 因此转到新生儿重症监护病房进行治疗
I'll let you know when you can see him. 你能见他时  我会通知你的
Can we see Amanda? 我们能看阿曼达吗
Not just yet. 还不行
I'll get us coffees. 我去拿些咖啡来
What's going on? What are they saying? 情况如何  医生怎么说
Just... 就是...
I'm a dad. 我当爸爸了
But--but that's-- that's great, isn't it? 可  可那  那是好消息啊  不是吗
Amanda... 阿曼达
She's not good, man. 她情况不好  老弟
What does that mean, not good? "不好"是什么意思
She's gonna be okay, right? 她会没事的  对吗
Jack, I'm--I'm sorry. 杰克  我  我很难过
I'm sorry for everything. 我很难过这发生的一切
Come here. 来
We're gonna be okay. 会好起来的