《复仇》第5集 第12期:不够强壮(在线收听

 Welcome back, Amanda. 欢迎回来  阿曼达

We're gonna go home soon, okay? 我们一会儿就回家  好吗
Where's mommy? 妈妈在哪
What do you remember last? 你最后的记忆是什么
We were swimming. 我们在游泳
Do you know how sometimes when people get sick, 知道吗  有时候人们病了以后
no matter how hard they try 无论他们怎么努力
and no matter how many doctors help, 无论有多少医生参与治疗
they just aren't able to get better? 病情就是没法好转
But mommy said she was better. 但妈妈说她已经好多
She wanted to be. 她也希望是这样
She wanted that more than anything. 那是她最希望的事
But I-- 但我...
She just-- she wasn't strong enough. 她...她不够强壮
Where is she? 她在哪
She's... gone. 她已经走了
I'm so sorry, honey. 我很抱歉  宝贝