《复仇》第5集 第15期:女人的眼中钉(在线收听

 A lot of women would've felt threatened by me. 很多女人都觉得我很具威胁性

Although... 不过...
technically, you're the other woman, not me. 严格说来  你才是第三者  而不是我
You know, he led me to believe that you were dead for the longest time. 他一直让我以为你已经过世多时
Obviously, we both fell prey to David's deception. 显然  过去我们一直深受大卫的欺骗
And now Gordon's. 而现在又换成了戈登
Mom? 妈妈
I just got off the phone with the hospital. 我刚接到医院来的电话
Amanda's awake and okay. 阿曼达醒过来  脱离危险了
Charlotte, this is Amanda's mother, Kara Clarke. 夏洛特  这是阿曼达的妈妈  卡拉·克拉克
I'm going to the hospital. 我要去趟医院
I'll come back and bring my things. 我会带着我的行李回来的
Thank you. 谢谢你
You asked her to stay with us? 你让她住在我们家
Temporarily, yes. 是的  暂住
I feel so bad about what happened to her daughter 我对发生在她女儿身上的事很自责
that I just wanted to help out. 想略尽绵薄之力
Wow. Maybe you have changed. 或许你真的变了