《复仇》第5集 第18期:天生好心肠(在线收听

 I was just trying to settle him. 我只是在试着安抚他

I'm his godmother. 我是他的教母
I'm Kara, 我是卡拉
Amanda's actual mother. 阿曼达的生母
May I? 让我来吧
Don't worry. 别担心
He knows his family. 他能感知到亲人
Amanda was the same way, 阿曼达小时候也这样
always happy in her mommy's arms. 妈妈一抱就高兴了
The perfect little baby boy. 真是个完美的小男生
What was Amanda like as a kid? 阿曼达小时候是什么样的
She... 她
she was so gentle. 她很温柔
She wouldn't even let me kill a spider. 连只蜘蛛都不准我打死
No matter how big or small, 不管那蜘蛛是大是小
I had to catch it in a glass and set it free outside. 都得让我用杯子活捉了再放生出去
She just always had this innate goodness. 她天生就是一副好心肠
Does she ever talk about me? 她有提到过我吗
Honestly, no. 老实说  没有
When was the last time you saw her? 你最后一次见她是什么时候
Well, now that is a fascinating question. 这个问题可就问得妙了