《复仇》第5集 第21期:父亲的遗物(在线收听

 I know I've been a.W.O.L., but... 我知道我最近没陪着你  但

I just became an uncle. 我刚当上了叔叔
Well, one of those non-uncle uncles, 当然不是那种真正意义上的叔叔
like Kracker or Fester. 就像卡拉克摇滚叔和肥斯特叔
Pretty sure Fester actually was Gomez's older brother. 肥斯特可是高魔子的亲大哥哦
All right, you pass. 好吧  说不过你
Where did you get this? 你从哪里拿到这个的
It was amongst your father's memorabilia. 就在你父亲的遗物里
You did nothing with it? 你没用它干什么吧
No. Why? 没  怎么了
- Should I? - Nope. -我应该做什么吗  - 不
I'll take care of it, but... 这个我来处理就好  不过
not before I take you to breakfast. 那之前我要先带你去吃早餐
But it's 10:00 at night, Nolan. 可现在才晚上十点呢  诺兰
Then we've got some time to kill. 那我们得想想办法来打发时间了
To a growing relationship, both business and personal. 为生意和私人上都蓬勃发展的关系干杯
Well, tell that to my dad. 把这话对我爸说去
The company's falling apart, and he leaves before lunch. 公司都快垮了  他却中午就溜了
Which is something I'm sure you wouldn't want me 我想你一定不愿意我向武田先生
to convey to Mr. Takeda. 汇报这件事吧