《复仇》第6集 第6期:父亲会感到羞耻(在线收听

 What's the problem? 怎么了

I told them to wait for you, but they just started into it. 我要他们等你  但他们直接吵起来了
Guys, guys, what's going on? 伙计们  怎么了
There he is. Who the hell is this guy? 他来了  这家伙到底是谁
Tell him how long I've been stocking your liquor. 告诉他  我为你们酒吧进货进多久了
I'm sorry, Jack, your man here-- his prices are high. 抱歉  杰克  这家伙的进价太高了
We can do better. 我们能做得更好
You can't do top-shelf brands for 8 bucks a bottle. 你不可能花八块进到一瓶顶级酒
No, you can't. I can. 你不行  但我可以
Whoa. Slow down. Can we really get 8 bucks? 慢着  我们真能花八块进到吗
No one could do $8, Jack. 没人能进到的  杰克
Not legally. 除非违法
What are you saying, pal, huh? 你在说什么  伙计
Kenny, Kenny, Kenny, I got it. 肯尼  肯尼  让我来
I got it. 我来处理
Look, Mick, let me just make some phone calls. 米克  让我去打几个电话
If it turns out you're competitive, 如果事实证明你的开价很合理
you know you're my guy. 我肯定从你这进货
Don't bother. I got one thing to say to you boys. 别麻烦了  我有件事要告诉你们兄弟俩
Your father would be ashamed of you. 你们父亲会为你们感到羞耻
I hope you know who you're getting in business with. 我希望你知道自己在和谁做生意