《复仇》第6集 第7期:守口如瓶(在线收听

 That's impressive. 真漂亮

Sorry. 抱歉
Oh, no, I, um... 不  我...
I get so focused sometimes when I draw, I-- 有时我画画会非常专注  就...
Forget where you are. 忘记自己身处何地了
You-- do you draw? 你  你画画吗
Yeah. 是的
Things getting a little hectic up there 随着婚礼的筹办
with the wedding coming up? 那里开始忙碌起来了吧
That was almost you last year. 去年差点就有你的婚礼了
Right? 对吗
You and daniel. 你和丹尼尔
Yeah. 是的
I'm sorry. 抱歉
If you don't want to talk about it... 如果你不想提这件事的话..
No, no, it's fine. 不  没关系
I'm actually kind of glad that it didn't happen. 我其实还有点高兴没有办成
You know what they say. 俗话说
You don't just marry the man. 你不是嫁给一个男人
You marry the whole family. 而是嫁给整个家庭
For reasons that I'll never fully know, 由于种种我永远都无法弄清楚的原因
Victoria decided early on 维多利亚早就决定
she didn't want my relationship with Daniel to work, 不让我和丹尼尔的关系持续下去
and so... it didn't. 所以  就分手了
Please don't tell them that I'm telling you this. 请别告诉他们我说了这些
I don't need any more bad blood with the Graysons. 我不想再和格雷森家产生更多不和
Don't worry. 别担心
I'm very good with secrets. 我向来守口如瓶