《复仇》第6集 第15期:永远不会保护对方的夫妻(在线收听

 Aha. Uh, may we have the room, please? 能让我们单独相处一会吗

Conrad, there are people waiting for us in the hot sun. 康拉德  有很多客人在烈日下面等我们
Oh, well, just let 'em swelter. 那就让他们多晒会儿
This is your day, after all. 今天毕竟是你的大喜之日
In all seriousness, I wanted to take a moment 我想在走出这里之前
before we go out there. 严肃地和你谈一谈
I know we've come to this point 我知道我们在情有可原的情况下
due to extenuating circumstances, 才走到今天这步
But the fact is... 但事实是
Here we are. 我们已经走到了这一步
And I feel we're destined to be together, 而且我感觉无论发生什么
no matter what the outcome. 我们的命运已经绑在了一起
It's for you. 这是给你
A gun. How romantic. 一把手枪  真是浪漫
It's a peculiar wedding gift, I know, 我知道这是一份特殊的结婚礼物
but then we are living under peculiar circumstances. 但接下去我们要在特殊的情况下生存
And if ever I can't protect you, 要是我无法保护你
I want to know that you can protect yourself. 我想确保你能保护自己
And here I thought you were offering me a way out of this. 在我看来  你的意思恰恰相反
Never. 永远不会