《复仇》第7集 第8期:酒吧亏损转为盈利(在线收听

 Jack Porter. 杰克·波特

Congratulations, Porter. 恭喜啊  波特
Kenny here-- he's got the midas touch. 肯尼来了  他可是有点石成金的能力
Pretty soon, your place will be turning profits 很快  你的酒吧就可以扭亏为盈了
You can't imagine. 转眼之间哟
So the complete guest list is on this... 完整的宾客名单都在这...
Why? Am I missing something? 为什么  我漏掉什么了吗
Oh, Kara. You're leaving? 卡拉  你要走了吗
Yeah. Tell your folks I said thanks. 是啊  向你父母转达我的谢意
Listen, before you go, 那个  在你走之前
I've got a question I've been wanting to ask you. 我有个问题想问你
I don't mean to sound insensitive, 我不是想故意刺激你
But, uh... 但是...
You were still married to David Clarke 当年大卫·克拉克开始替我父亲工作的时候
when he went to work for my father, right? 你们仍然是夫妻  对吗
Yes. 是的
I tried to convince him not to move us to New York. 我劝过他不要举家迁来纽约
Things may have worked out differently. 那样的话或许一切都不一样了
He--he keep any records of any personal investments 他有没有一些私人笔记  记录那些
he might have made a-after he joined the company... 他加入公司后  进行的个人投资
Maybe from a joint account? 比如  用夫妻共存账户投资的
The man was deceiving the whole world. 这个男人曾欺骗了全世界
If he wanted to hide something, he knew how to do it. 如果他想隐瞒点什么  他有的是手段
Daniel, kara, I'm so sorry to interrupt. 丹尼尔  卡拉  抱歉打扰了
I wanted to leave this at your parents' wedding 我想把这个作为你父母的结婚礼物
before... 在...
The whole thing went to hell? 局面直转急下之前
Mom and dad will be very touched, 只要不是钟表
assuming it's not ticking. 我父母都会很感动的