《复仇》第7集 第18期:真实身份曝光(在线收听

 Give it to me! 给我

Go home. He knows everything. 快回去  他什么都知道了
Don't you see? We don't have a choice. 你还不明白吗  我们别无选择
Choose your family. 想想你的家人
You're making a huge mistake. 你会后悔的
So I was right. 所以说我猜对了
You really are the brains in this machiavellian scheme. 是你策划了这一系列阴谋诡计
You were this close, Mason. 你离真相就差这点  梅森
But you missed the one thing 但有件事一直就在你眼皮底下
that's been right under your nose the whole time. 你却没发现
She's not Amanda Clarke. 她不是阿曼达·克拉克
You are. 你才是
After my father was arrested, 在我父亲被捕以后
you were the only person I could trust. 你是我唯一可以信任的人
I believed you when you said 你说你会如实报道真相
that you'd write the real story. 我相信了