《复仇》第7集 第21期:谜一样的男子(在线收听

 Who is this? 哪位

Kara, it's Mason Treadwell. 卡拉  我是梅森·特德韦尔
I have urgent information about the murder of Gordon Murphy. 我掌握了些关于戈登·墨菲被杀的关键线索
How'd you get this number? 你怎么知道我的号码
Your husband gave it to me. 你丈夫给我的
I'll meet you at Bel-Aire Cove in 30 minutes. 30分钟后在贝尔艾尔港见
I would like to express my gratitude for your 对于各位在这段非常时期的
unwavering support through these incredibly challenging times. 坚定支持  本人谨表不胜感激
Listen, a man in my position 大家都知道  我今时今日的地位
can't help but generate powerful enemies, 必定会有许多强敌环饲
which is the only sound explanation 这也很好地解释了
for the outrageous accusations constantly hurled my way. 为什么我总是有这些麻烦缠身
So get used to it, because in the coming months 不过无需担心  因为过不了多久
when the dust settles, 等尘埃落定后
I assure you, the only thing making headlines 我向各位保证  报纸的头条就会变成
will be the alchemy behind your rising portfolios. 宣扬你们明智投资的报道
Now Victoria and I are honored to have you at our home, 各位光临寒舍让我和维多利亚倍感荣幸
And I look forward to allaying any concerns you may have. 而且我非常乐意消除您的一切疑虑
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
Conrad, you promised a Q&A. 康拉德  你答应要办答疑
Yes, of course. 是的  当然
Perfect. 很好
How did you know Gordon? 你是怎么认识戈登的
Such an enigma of a man. 谜一样的男人