《复仇》第7集 第29期:传世之作(在线收听

 That's some deal. 这种交易

I think I'll pass. 我想我不会考虑
Well, if you do... 如果你不答应...
The police will soon uncover 那么警察不久便会从
a staggering amount of evidence against you, 我母亲的证词里发现
right down to my mother's testimony... 大量对你不利的证据
about how you were in league with Gordon Murphy. 关于你是怎么和戈登·墨菲同流合污的
I recorded the whole thing. 我都录下来了
My answer is still no. 我的答案依旧是不
If there's a trial, I have a fighting chance. 只要有审讯  我就还有翻供的机会
At the very least, I'll be able to expose you 至少  我还可以把你和你的叛变
and your treachery. 都揭发出来
You're forgetting, Mason, 你别忘了  梅森
that I'm in possession of the only thing 我手上有唯一一件
that could one day exonerate you... 可以判定你无罪的证据...
A full confession of my own. 那就是我自己的认罪
If you cooperate, I will set you free 如果你肯合作的话
when I deem the time to be right. 我会在适当的时候还你自由
Which could be eons. 那将会是无止境的等待吧
Or just enough time for you to write my entire story, 或许刚好让你有时间写完关于我的故事
from the night my father was arrested 就从我父亲被捕那晚开始写
to the day my vengeance is complete. 一直写到我的复仇计划终止
This is the book... 这本书...
that we both know you were destined to write. 是你注定要写的  你我都很清楚
Poetic justice or my true legacy? 诗意正义还是我的传世之作
Or perhaps a touch of both? 或许两者都是