《复仇》第8集 第5期:成功之母(在线收听

 Ladies and gentle-mensas... 女士们  先"圣"们

Thank you for giving up your thanksgiving plans 谢谢你们放弃感恩节的私人安排
to join me here in the office today. 和我一起来到公司
I was thinking instead of working, 我在想  干脆大家不要工作
let's play a game. 来玩个游戏吧
Now who can figure out... 谁能想出
The rest...of this equation? 这个公式的剩余部分
Anyone? 有人吗
Anyone? 有人吗
Really, people? 不是吧  大家
Mr. Romero, 罗马诺先生
Care to take a stab? 不介意来试下吧
Sure. 好的
Let's see. 让我瞧瞧
What--what's that, a "P"? 什么  那是什么  P吗
So long as that's an "I." 只要左边那个是 I
But that spells... 但那拼出来就是
"I.P.O." 首次公开募股
We are going public, people! 我们要上市了  大家
We all have everyone's favorite O.C.D. C.F.O. to thank-- 我们要感谢这位强迫症财务总监
Mr. Marco Romero. 马可·罗马诺先生
Well, I couldn't have done it without you. 没有你我做不到这一步的