《复仇》第8集 第17期:账户的钱不知所向(在线收听

 Hey, the, um, the accountants found a problem. 会计师们发现了一个问题

They found the Cayman account I set up for you in 2002. 他们发现了02年我为你建的开曼群岛帐户
God, that was so long ago. 老天  这都是多久的事了
Oh, well, let me-- let me refresh your memory. 那我提醒你一下
It contained nearly $500 million. Our company assets. 账户里面存着近5亿美元  属于公司资产
And as of six weeks ago, it's empty. 不过在六周前  钱就被提光了
I... 我..
It's gone. 钱没了
But I-I didn't take it. 但不是我拿的
Where is it? 那它去了哪
See, I'm your C.F.O., 我是你的首席财务官
and you can't tell me 但你却不能告诉我
where nearly half a billion dollars went. 这5亿美元到底去了哪里
That doesn't work for me. 这招对我没用
Marco. Marco. 马可  马可
Daniel, how goes that creative writing class 丹尼尔  你很有兴趣的那门
you were so excited about? 创意写作课程怎么样了
I don't know. 我不知道