《复仇》第9集 第6期:未来掌门人(在线收听

 Would you care for a cold drink, Mr. Grobet? 你想要杯冷饮吗  格罗贝先生

Take the lead, please. 请带路吧
Nice shot. 打的漂亮
Your aim has improved. 你眼神越来越准了啊
Well, I taught her a thing or two. 我教了她几招
Thanks for the vote of confidence. 多谢你支持我
Mr. Grobet's approval is key 格罗贝先生的认可
to securing my leadership at the company. 是我稳固在公司地位的关键
I'm happy to help. 我很乐意帮忙
Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快
There's a nice touch... 干得不错
Trotting Ashley out, 考虑到萨瓦多尔对异国女人的嗜好
considering Salvador's penchant for exotic women. 把阿什莉带出来炫耀
I would think he'd have better self-preservation instincts, 我还以为他自我保护意思很强呢
seeing as his wife holds his fortune. 毕竟他妻子掌管着他的财产
Conrad. 康拉德
We need to discuss your son's future. 我们得谈谈你儿子的未来
No, we don't. Daniel's of no concern to you. 没必要  丹尼尔对你们而言无关紧要
Oh, on the contrary. 恰恰相反
As the changing of the guard 随着格雷森国际
at Grayson Global appears imminent, 掌门人更迭即将到来
your usefulness to us seems to have run its course. 是你对我们已然毫无用处