《复仇》第9集 第9期:孤军奋战(在线收听

 Well-played, boss. 算你狠  老板

Guess it looks like I work for Grayson Global now. 我想我现在是为格雷森国际工作了
See you around, Marco. 回见  马可
Success suits you. 成功与你相随呀
I don't remember you ever looking more dashing. 我从没见你有现在这么霸气十足
Wall street's new golden boy. 华尔街的新贵
It's not like I did it alone. 我可不是孤军奋战
Now that Nolcorp is secure, 既然诺氏企业的事解决了
I can bring Aiden back in. 我可以让艾登回来
Mr. Grobet seemed to take a shine to him. 格罗贝先生似乎很中意他
He should be the one to deliver the good news. 应该由他来宣布这个好消息
No, it should be you. 不  应该由你宣布
You're the one that found Nolan's former C.F.O. 是你找到了诺氏企业的前任财务总监
And you obviously didn't trust Aiden enough 而且你没让艾登参加最终谈判
to include him in the final negotiations. 显然你对他还不够信任
Listen, if Aiden's gonna be my man on the board, 听着  如果艾登能成为我在董事会的人
I want him building a rapport with its most powerful member. 我想要他和最大的股东们保持良好关系
Besides, without him, 另外  没有他
I never would've connected the dots to Nolcorp. 我永远都不会发现诺氏企业的事
And he would be the first to tell you. 他只是第一个告诉你的人而已