《复仇》第10集 第9期:小男朋友(在线收听

 When Nate and Kenny come back in here, 等下奈特和肯尼回来了

I need you to help me do something, okay? 你帮我做件事  行吗
Sure. What? 当然了  怎么了
Okay. 好了
Get this. 听着
My mom's latest charity case? 我妈妈最近在做的慈善项目
Ex-convicts. 关于前科犯的项目
Which is cool, but--but I don't know. 听起来很酷  但是我不太确定
They're all so damaged. Prison seems like hell. 他们看上去很颓唐  监狱真是地狱啊
What? Did I say something wrong? 怎么了  我说错什么了吗
Don't, little brother. 别说  小兄弟
She doesn't want to hear about that. 她可不想听你说细节
Where'd you boyfriend go to get more bourbon, Kentucky? 你的小男友去哪儿拿波旁酒了  肯德基州吗
Yeah, you know what? 知道吗
I'll go check on him. He probably got lost. 我去看看他  说不定他迷路了
Wait. 等等
What? You don't want me to hear? 怎么了  不能说给我听听么
Son of a bitch. 该死的
Okay. 好吧
Well, back when I was young and dumb, 想当年  我年轻又二
I used to live with a bunch of guys who were, 曾经和一群人住在一起
uh, what? 这帮人  怎么说呢
Purveyors of recreational... curiosities, shall we say. 说得好听点  是给好奇者提供消遣的人