《复仇》第10集 第10期:男朋友走丢了(在线收听

 The D.E.A. busts in. They raid the place. 美国缉毒局介入了  他们突击搜查了我们住的地方

Guess who's the only sucker at home. 猜猜当时只有哪个衰仔在家
You. Oh, my god. 你  天呐
I went inside for five years 我在监狱里蹲了五年
for something I had nothing to do with. 就为了些我从没沾手过的事情
And I'll tell you something else. 让我告诉你吧
It isn't like hell. 监狱不像地狱
It is hell. 它就是地狱
Seriously, I never would've guessed. 说真的  我真想不到
Yeah, well, I guess I clean up nice. 是啊  我猜我恢复的还不错
Obviously, your boyfriend did get lost. 很显然  你男朋友就是走丢了
- I'll be right back. - Wait. -我马上回来  -等等
I'll go get him. 我去找他
No. I'll tell you what-- you stay here. 不  我跟你说  你就呆在这儿
I'll go get him. Okay? 我去找他  成不