《复仇》第10集 第32期:承担了所有罪(在线收听

 Charlotte get home all right? 夏洛特安全到家了吗

Yeah. 是的
Yeah, not without a lot of explanation, though. 当然少不了一通解释了
She deserves it after a night like this... 今晚的这些事  她是该解释一下
your boat impounded, your brother arrested. 你们的船被扣了  你哥哥被捕了
Jack's a good guy, taking the fall. 杰克是个好人  顶下所有的罪
Kenny, you know that wasn't our stuff. 肯尼  你知道那些东西不是我们的
I'm sorry for what happened. 对发生的这一切我很遗憾
Truly. 真的
Hey, whoever called the cops today made a huge mistake. 不管是谁报的警  他犯了个大错
I just hope that they come to their senses, 我希望他能尽快觉悟
or things might get worse around here. 否则这一切将会变得更糟
A lot worse. 非常糟糕
Kenny, you coming? 肯尼  你出来一下
Oh, uh, Declan, be a pal, huh? Clean up a little bit. 德克兰  帮个忙  收拾一下
Hello. 你好
Amanda. Uh, hey, it's me. 阿曼达  是我
Jack, you okay? What happened? 杰克  你还好吗  出什么事了
The police found drugs and a gun on the "Amanda. " 警察在船上发现了枪支和弹药
- I'm in jail. - Jack, oh, my God. -我被关起来了  -杰克  天哪
Don't... don't worry. I don't want you to worry. 别担心  我不希望你担心
Everything's gonna be okay. 一切都会好起来的