《复仇》第10集 第33期:走上正轨(在线收听

 Power can be hoarded by the mighty 有权势者或许拥有权力

or stolen from the innocent. 也或许是从无辜者手中掠夺的
Ems, I'm gonna take a shower. 艾米  我冲个澡
Okay. 好
Power provides the ability to choose... 权力使你有能力选择
but has a proclivity for corruption. 却也有可能使你走向堕落
Daniel. 丹尼尔
Do you have a second? 你有空吗
Yeah. 是的
Sorry to stop by unannounced. 很抱歉突然来找你
Is everything okay? 出什么事了吗
Yeah. I just... I tried to tell you this earlier, 我之前就想跟你说的
but of course my mother interrupted. 但是被我母亲打断了
It's what she does. 她经常这么做
I wanted you to know, 你要知道
the reason I fought so hard to become C. E. O. 我那么努力想当上总裁
was to set things right. 是希望让一切走上正轨
You see, the only thing larger than our company's image problem 唯一比我们公司形象还重要的事
is our charitable foundation. 就是我们的慈善基金会