《复仇》第11集 第10期:七零八碎(在线收听

 What was that about? 这是怎么回事

My guess? 我猜是...
Extreme daddy issues. 急切想得到老爸的肯定吧
Had enough time away? 想回来了吗
I've been thinking, 我一直在想
and... I was never qualified 从一开始我就
to be your C.F.O. in the first place, 没资格当你的财务总监
so I don't care about losing my position. 所以我一点也不在乎失去工作
But I care about you. 但我在乎你
And if you'll have me, 如果你需要我
I'd like to come back to work. 我愿意回来工作
Padma... 帕德玛...
You're smart. 你很聪明
There are so many better opportunities out there. 外面有的是机会等着你
Unless those opportunities 除非那些公司的
have an office down the hall with you in it, 办公大楼里有你在
I'm not interested. 否则我一点没兴趣
Okay. You're hired. 好  你被雇佣了
Again. 再一次
Hired to what capacity exactly? 雇佣她具体做什么职位呢
You know, let's not get all territorial. 别忙着划清界限
I'm sure we can find room for our former C.F.O. 我肯定能给我们的前任财务总监找个职位