《复仇》第11集 第11期:叛逆的儿子(在线收听

 Conrad. 康拉德

Ms. Davenport. Well, I knew you had moxie, 达文波特小姐  我承认你勇气可嘉
but showing your face back here so soon, 但这么快重新就在这露面
if I weren't so intrigued, I'd be shocked. 要不是引起我的好奇心  我一定被你吓到了
I'm here to protect an investment. 我来这拿回我应得的报酬
And what investment would that be? 凭什么呢
My time whilst in your family's employ. 凭我为您家族所投入的时间精力
I believe I may still be owed a few dividends. 我相信这些投入还值得分到些利息
Blackmail. 原来是敲诈
Of course. 当然啦
Is there anything that isn't beneath you? 有什么是你不知道的呢
I don't want hush money.  我不是来要封口费的
The truth is, it would be unwise for me 事实上  没有别的地方
to start over in a place 比格雷森家更珍惜
where my ability to hold any number of secrets 我保守秘密的能力
might not be as valued as it is in the Grayson fold. 所以我去哪都不合适
Oh, well, in case you hadn't noticed, 你也许没注意到
my traitorous son now sits atop my former throne, 我已经被我那叛逆的儿子赶下台了
in no small part to your assistance. 你的要求  恕我无能为力
So as it stands, 所以就目前而言
I'm hardly in a position 我很难
to rehire you in your former capacity. 让你恢复原职
We can look at this either of two ways. 我们有两条路可走
I know where the bodies are buried, 一条是  我知道那些丑闻
proverbial and otherwise. 为人知和不为人知的
I've been privy to all manner of chicanery, 我还是这些阴谋诡计的知情者
from fictional kidnappings to inflated investor returns. 从虚构的绑架到膨胀的投资回报
And the other way, Ms. Davenport? 那另一条路呢  达文波特小姐