《复仇》第11集 第15期:泄密(在线收听

 He was inquiring about Carrion. 他想问"蚀尸"项目

There's no way he could've happened upon that information, so... 他绝不可能莫名其妙的就得到消息
somebody must have tipped him off. 绝对是有人向他泄密
And you think it was me? 所以你觉得是我告的密
You were the one that dusted carrion off and put her on my desk. 是你把"蚀尸"放到我桌上的
I did that to remind you 我这么做是想提醒你
of the greatness you're capable of. 其实你的能量是很大的
Nolan, I'm trying to-- 诺兰  我是在试图
to rebuild the trust you once had in me, 重建你曾经对我的信任
not destroy it. 而不是毁了这份信任
Look, I wanna... 我是真想...
believe you, Marco. 信任你  马可
I do. 真心的
But, uh, you can see why that might be difficult. 但如你所见  这可能很难
Okay, I'll tell you what I see. 好吧  我告诉你我的所见
Right before daniel comes snooping around, 在丹尼尔鬼鬼祟祟的到处刺探之前
a certain girl conveniently shows back up into your life? 是不是某个女孩恰好重新回到了你的生活当中
You know, I seem to remember you coming back into my life 要我看  你好像也是在相同的时间里
in exactly the same fashion. 重新出现在我生活中的
The only difference being that I lost my whole company 唯一的区别仅仅是在你回来的那天
to Grayson Global the day you did. 我把我的整个公司输给了格雷森国际
And you know how sorry I am about that. 你知道我对那件事有多么遗憾
Look, at some point,  总有一天
we are gonna have to put this behind us. 我们会尽弃前嫌的