英语PK台 第925期:你怎么看马老师说的996(在线收听

 Dialogue 1
Jingjing: Mark, you don't look as tired as last week. Is the construction finished around your house?
Mark: It's been on and off. But I've been staying out of the house mostly. If I don't have to go in to work, I do work at a coffee shop.
Jingjing: And, are you getting more done, now that you're out of the house more often?
Mark: It's hard to say. For little projects, and stuff like answering emails, I'm better. I'm falling behind on some of my bigger projects.
Jingjing: That makes me think about what Jack Ma said recently: When people are young, they should work from 9AM until 9PM six days a week. What do you think?
Mark: That's a lot of hours to put in. What's the rationale?
Jingjing: Well, when people get older, they won't remember what TV shows they watched when they were in their 20s and 30s. But, most likely, they'll have accomplished more at work, and will hopefully have better job titles and more money.
Mark: That sounds pretty reasonable. Anyway, it's hard to argue against hard work.
Jingjing: It sounds like you don't fully agree, though.
Mark: Well, for one thing, some kinds of work require lots of concentration—like driving or piloting a jet. There are so many stories of trucks running red lights because drivers were too tired to focus.
Jingjing: Yeah, I don't think anybody's suggesting that drivers spend more than 8 hours behind the wheel.
Mark: Also, I read somewhere that taxi drivers can't make a living if they just work regular hours. They have to work overtime.
Jingjing: That's a raw deal. What about office workers?
Mark: Sure, no one's going to lose their life if an office worker falls asleep at their desk.
Jingjing: Ha ha. A desk is a good thing for a cat nap.

New words : 习语短语
on and off 时不时地
sometimes happening, sometimes not (It's been raining on and off all morning.)
rationale 根本原因
a reason for doing something
raw deal 不公平
something unfair
cat nap 打盹儿,小睡
a short nap, usually 5-20 minutes, in a place where people don't usually sleep

Dialogue 2
Jingjing: That's good, at least. Hey, I remember being in a taxi with a sleepy driver. It was pretty scary.
Mark: I bet—and, I'm sorry to hear that. Back to office workers, they might make better decisions and do better work without such long hours.
Jingjing: Then again, office workers might not be as committed to their jobs if they're only working a few hours.
Mark: That probably has more to do with their personality than how many hours they're on the clock. Have you read about the four-hour work week?
Jingjing: Isn't that a book by Tim Ferris?
Mark: Yeah, it's the next book I want to read. I think it's about creative jobs.
Jingjing: It's an interesting idea to do 8-12 hours worth of work in 4 hours. Let me know after you read it. I might read it also.
Mark: Will do.
Jingjing: But I think we're missing the point. Jack Ma was talking about getting more accomplished in life—and, if that means working six days a week for twelve hours each day, then it'd be worth it.
Mark: I'm with you on that. People should make the most of their careers in their prime years. I just hope people don't milk the clock or get into a rat race.
Jingjing: Right. Hey, I read somewhere that only 5% of Americans can afford the luxury of retirement. What does that mean?
Mark: Only 1 in 20 Americans can keep the same standard of living they had after they stop working. Everyone else might survive, but would have to move to smaller houses or go on fewer trips.
Jingjing: That's a good reason to work hard when young! I want to travel a lot when I get old.
Mark: Go for it, Jingjing! I'll let you get back to work now.

New words : 习语短语
I'm with you (on that). 我同意你的看法
I agree with you (about that).
milk the clock 浪费时间,磨洋工
stay at the office longer just to make more money
rat race 激烈竞争
competitive society, people work harder and harder so that few people can keep up
