《复仇》第12集 第8期:自我保护(在线收听

 The Ryan brothers put him in the hospital 瑞安两兄弟把他打伤进了医院

trying to get him to talk, but he wouldn't break. 他们想严刑逼供  但他没有就范
I'll get the authorities on the line. 我去给当局打电话
No, look, without Matt Duncan, 不行  没有马特·邓肯
my dad would've lost the Stowaway six years ago. 我爸爸六年前就保不住偷渡者酒吧了
He protected us then. I'm standing by him now. 当时是他保护了我们  现在换我支持他
Oh, I can see we're both stubborn, too. 看来我俩都很固执啊
But unlike you, Mr. Porter, I value self-preservation 不过不像你  波特先生  我很看重自我保护
and the living. 以及活着的人
I'm afraid I'm unable to help you 你若不愿意帮帮你自己
if you're unwilling to help yourself. 恐怕我也帮不了你
Feel free to show yourselves out. 你们自便吧
I knew this was a mistake. 我就知道这是个错误
The only mistake being made here is yours. 这里犯错的就只有你
Father's friend or not, Matt Duncan is a murderer. 无论是不是你父亲的朋友  马特·邓肯是杀人犯
If you don't call him out, Carl loses his dad, 你不供他出来  卡尔就会没有爸爸
and I lose my husband... 我就会失去丈夫
Assuming I even get to call you that 在他们把你关起来之前
before they lock you up. 我还能这么叫你
After the Northridge quake, 北岭地震之后
my father was inspired to use the profits 我父亲受到启发
from our military contracts 用军事合同的利润
to create a privatized disaster-relief firm. 建立了一家私有化赈灾公司