《复仇》第12集 第13期:人道主义(在线收听

 Oh, you're not serious. 你不是来真的吧

I can't believe you. You crossed the country 我真不敢相信  你跑遍整个国家
to lure that rat into helping you. 来引诱那个卑鄙小人来帮助你
I just bumped into him. 我只是碰到他了
Oh. I'm here for you, Daniel. 我是为你而来的  丹尼尔
Although I see that you brought reinforcements. 尽管我知道你已有了帮手
Yeah, it's nice to have someone's unconditional support. 有人无条件地帮我是好事一桩
Well, then allow me to offer you mine. 我也会帮助你
Now if your intention is to rehabilitate grayson global's image, 如果你的目的是重铸格雷森国际的形象
I would encourage you to not go through with this acquisition. 我劝你还是不要这么做
Why,because I'll affirm my standing as C. E. O. ? 为什么  因为这会巩固我首席执行官的职位吗
No,quite the opposite. 不  恰好相反
These disaster-relief companies swim in dirty pools, 这些慈善公司并不是表面看起来那样
And Stonehaven is no exception. 斯通海文也不例外
They're not humanitarians. They are profiteers. 他们并非人道主义者  他们追逐的是利益
Are you really trying to take the moral high ground? 你真的是这么想的吗
Have you forgotten what you are, 你是不是忘了自己是什么样的人了
what you've profited from? 你得到了什么好处
I suggest you that you do your research 我劝你最好调查一下
- And find out why these people want... - Do my research? -这些人到底为什么想要...  -我调查
You want me to do my research? 你想让我调查一下
You should probably go upstairs 你先到楼上去
Before you say something you regret in public. 免得你在公共场所说出不该说的话
- Think about it. - Yeah. -考虑一下  -嗯
I assume,per our agreement,you're here to dissuade my son 我以为根据我们的协议
from going through with this acquisition? 你来这是为了劝说他放弃的
You need to explain to me exactly why 你得向我解释一下为什么
you are so set against it. 你这么反对这件事