《复仇》第12集 第15期:自由长大(在线收听

 They release you? 他们让你走了

Oh,hey. No,uh... insurance ran out, 不  保险费用光了
So I figure I'd give my girls a chance to take care of the old man. 所以我想给女儿个机会来照顾她这个老爸
How you doing,jack? 你怎么样  杰克
Not so good. 很不好
The ryans framed me with a drug charge. 赖安兄弟陷害我藏毒
I was arrested, And the police found a gun on my boat. 我被捕了  警察在我的船上发现了枪支
And since it's a murder weapon-- 那是杀过人的武器
I told you to stay away from them. 我告诉过你离他们远一点
You--you should've listened. 你  你应该听我的
That's not gonna change the past,matt. 这不会改变过去  马特
They're gonna pin Joe Ryan's murder on me. 他们打算把乔·赖安的谋杀罪安在我头上
Do you understand that? The one that you're guilty of. 你清楚吗  那是你所犯下的罪
And you want me to confess? 你想让我认罪吗
I know this still weighs on your conscience, 我知道这件事一直让你良心难安
or you wouldn't have told me you did it. 否则你不会告诉我是你做的
You don't know what it's like to have someone hurt your child. 你不明白有人谋害了你的孩子是种什么滋味
And, yeah, it weighs on me. But I learned to live with it. 我确实良心不安  但是我学会怎么习惯了
Wish I could say the same for my dad. 希望我能对我爸爸说同样的话
You heard about what happened,right? 你知道发生什么事了  对吧
Heart attack at 52. 他52岁死于心脏病
My kid never got a chance to meet him. 我的孩子没有机会见他爷爷一面
You want him growing up without a father,too? 你还想让他在没有父亲的环境下长大吗