《复仇》第12集 第25期:先发制人(在线收听

 Nolan? 诺兰

Welcome back. 欢迎回来
I read about how the west was won. 我看了《西部开拓史》
I hope I helped the cause with your faux beau. 希望能帮到你和假情郎的大业
I think I'm gaining his confidence back. 我已经赢回他的信任
But I might be losing Victoria's. 但恐怕又要失去维多利亚
It's only a matter of time 要不了多久
before she poisons me to Daniel. 她又要在丹尼尔面前挑拨
Well, not if you poison her first, 你要先发制人
which is a far more fitting end than a bullet, 这可远比要她命来得合适
don't you think? Speaking of which, 你说呢  对了
Have you heard from Thomas Crown? 最近有托马斯·克朗的消息吗
Well, I've tried triangulating his phone. 我试图跟踪他的电话
He's either jammed it or dumped it. 他不是屏蔽了信号  就是扔掉了
I just hope I made the right decision. 希望我的决定是对的
I know I didn't. 我只知道我决定错了
With the house? 你是说那房子
Isn't this the one that I'm buying you? 这个不是我给你买的吗
I don't think so. 不是
It seems nothing 我看来永远都
can save me from evil spirits. 摆脱不了邪恶