美国小学英语教材6:第117课 金河王(18)(在线收听

 Now when Schwartz had heard that Hans had stolen the holy water, he determined to manage matters better. 当施瓦茨听到汉斯偷了圣水后,他决定更好地处理事情。

So he took some more of Gluck's money, and went to a bad priest, who gave him some holy water very readily for it. 所以他多拿了一些格拉克的钱,他找了一名坏牧师,他给了施瓦茨一些特意为此准备的圣水。
Then Schwartz was sure it was all quite right. He got up early in the morning before the sun rose, 施瓦茨认为一切顺利,他在太阳出来之前就起床了,
took some bread and wine in a basket, put his holy water in a flask, and set off for the mountains. 将一些面包和红酒放在篮子里,将圣水放在瓶子里,并向山峰方向走去。
Like his brother, he was much surprised at the sight of the glacier, and had great difficulty in crossing it, 像他的哥哥一样,他对冰川景观也非常吃惊,也很难越过冰川,
even after leaving his basket behind him. The day was cloudless, but not bright; 甚至不带篮子行走,那天没有乌云,但也不晴朗,
there was a heavy purple haze hanging over the sky, and the hills looked gloomy. 天空笼罩着深紫色薄雾,山峰看起来很幽暗。
And as Schwartz climbed the steep rock path, the thirst came upon him, as it had upon his brother, 当施瓦茨攀爬陡峭的岩石路时,他感到很口渴,和他哥哥的感觉一样,
until he lifted his flask to his lips to drink. Then he saw the fair child lying near him on the rocks, 直到他用水瓶喝完水后,随后他看到一个皮肤白皙的小孩躺在他附近的岩石上,
and it cried to him, and moaned for water. Water, indeed, said Schwartz; I haven't half enough for myself, and passed on. 他向他哀求要水喝,施瓦茨当然是水,我连一半都不够了,并继续往前走。
As he went, he thought the sunbeams grew more dim, and he saw a low bank of black clouds rising out of the West. 随着他往前走,他感觉阳光变得越来越昏暗,他看到从西边升起了一团黑漆漆的云堆。
When he had climbed for another hour, the thirst overcame him again, and he would have drunk. 当他再次爬了一个小时后,他再次感到口渴,他本会去喝水。
Then he saw the old man lying on the path, and moaning for water. Water, indeed, said Schwartz; 他看到一个老年人躺在道路上,哀求着要水喝,施瓦茨说当然是水;
I haven't half enough for myself, and on he went. Then again the light seemed to fade from before his eyes, 我自己连一半都不够了,他继续往前走,他眼前的光似乎又变暗了,
and he looked up, and behold, a mist had come over the sun. The bank of black cloud too had risen very high, 他向上看,看到太阳被一层薄雾遮住,黑色云堆已升到了很高的位置,
and its edges were tossing and tumbling like the waves of the angry sea. 云堆的边缘像汹涌海浪一样摇摆。
And they cast long shadows, which flickered over Schwartz's path. 云堆投射下长长的影子,在施瓦茨行走的路上摇摇摆摆。