《复仇》第2季 第28期:互相利用(在线收听

 Is everything all right? 没事吧

Oh, I can't do this. 我做不到
I'm sorry. I need to be honest with you. 对不起  我得跟你说实话
A few weeks ago, 几周以前
Victoria asked me to rekindle our relationship. 维多利亚让我找你重修旧好
She wanted somebody to keep an eye on you 她想找人在你过渡期间
during your transition at work. 帮她盯着你
I said yes. 我同意了
So you're the one who leaked Stonehaven to her. 原来是你把斯通黑文的消息泄露给她的
Which is why I fought so hard to help you win it back. 所以我才尽一切可能帮你赢回来
Believe it or not, 信不信随你
I thought I was doing it for the right reasons. 我自认为没有做错
You must think I'm an idiot. 你一定觉得我很傻吧
There isn't a single aspect of my life 我生活的方方面面
that my mother hasn't meddled in. 都受控于自己的母亲
You knew? 你也知道
I mean, I-I strongly suspected. 不用想也猜得到
Her plans so rarely break in my favor, 但她的计划鲜少损害我的利益
I guess I just stuck my head in the sand. 我也就睁一眼闭一眼了
In all fairness, I guess I was using you 坦白说  我利用你
as much as you were me. 正如你利用我一样