《复仇》第13集 第1期:以后的敌人(在线收听

 What? 怎么了

A casino right here. 这里建一个赌场
Condos with a bay view right over there. 在那里建一栋能看到海湾的公寓大楼
It's Atlantic City but in half the time. 只需一半时间  就能打造另一座亚特兰大城
Yeah, and what about the marshland to the east? 那东边的沼泽地怎么办
I'm hearing we may have a fight on our hands with rezoning. 听说重新分区的事不大顺利
Not to worry. 不用担心
Once you announce your gubernatorial plans, 一旦你公布要竞选州长的计划
those on the city council will be eager 市议会的议员们一定很想
to earn favor with New York's next governor. 获得纽约州下任州长的好感
And for the ones who do cause problems, 对于那些造成麻烦的人
there are ways to handle them, too. 也有办法对付他们
It might be best if you left the negotiations to us. 这个最好还是由我们出面协商
Hey, don't talk to me 亲爱的
like I'm some kind of schoolkid, sweetheart. 别用这种口气和我说话  我不是小学生
I brought you this opportunity. I am not getting pushed out. 这次机会是我带来的  别想一脚蹬了我
We're fully aware of your contribution thus far 我们完全认可你迄今为止作出的贡献
and in no way seek to minimize your role in the project. 也绝不会把你踢出计划
A rising tide lifts all boats. 记得  水涨才船高
Why wouldn't you ask me for help? 你怎么不向我寻求帮助
Jack insisted we keep it inside the family. 杰克坚持要求别外传
I had to honor that. 我必须尊重他的决定
And so you went to Conrad? 所以你去找康拉德了吗
Amanda, whatever you need Jack to believe about you, 阿曼达  不管你要杰克相信你什么
Charlotte is not your sister 夏洛特不是你妹妹
any more than Conrad is her father. 正如康拉德不是她的爸爸
The Graysons were and always will be the enemy. 格雷森家以前和以后都是敌人