《复仇》第13集 第5期:炸毁飞机(在线收听

 They set me up, Victoria. 是他们陷害我的  维多利亚

Angola, Libya-- 安哥拉  利比亚
I wouldn't even know who to contact there. 那些地方我根本一个人都不认识
Someone made it look like I moved money 有人设了局  让这看起来像是我
for the people that blew up the plane. 为那些炸毁飞机的人洗钱
But I swear to you, I didn't do this. 但我向你发誓  不是我干的
David, the evidence tells a completely different story, 大卫  就算你说的是真的
and even if what you're saying is true, 所有的证据都对你不利
I wouldn't know how to begin to help you. 我要帮你也不知道从何着手
I know. I know. 我知道  我知道
And I shouldn't be putting you in this position. 我不该让你为难
It's just... 只是...
I really have no one else to turn to. 除了你  没人能帮我
The whole world is... against me. 全世界都  与我为敌
Victoria, are you there? 维多利亚  你在听吗
I'm sorry, David. 对不起  大卫
There's nothing I can do for you. 我也无能为力
Please don't call me again. 请别再打给我了