《复仇》第13集 第8期:捏造的假象(在线收听

 Aiden? 艾登

If you're here to talk me out of this, 如果你是来劝我放弃
I'm not interested. 那是多此一举
I'm not. 我不是
How can I talk you out of anything 我根本不知道你在想什么
if I don't know what you're thinking? 怎么劝你放弃
If that video was made six years ago, 如果那段录像是六年前拍的
and not three days like Helen said, 而不是海伦所说的三天前
then maybe it was never even real at all. 那也许整段录像都是假的
Maybe they staged the whole damn thing. 也许整件事都是他们捏造的
I want to believe it, too, Aiden. 我也想这么相信  艾登
But you don't. 但你不信
I didn't come here to fight. 我不是来和你吵架的
I came here to help. 我是来帮你的
Then help me. 那就快帮忙
The video was made right here. 那段录像就是在这拍的
This is the closest I've been to her since she was taken. 自她失踪以来  这是我离她最近的一次
I was 12. 当时我12岁
I never saw her again. 从那以后  我再也没见过她
It's Nolan. 是诺兰
He's been looking into coroner reports from 2007. 他调查了2007年起的验尸报告