《复仇》第13集 第10期:慷慨馈赠(在线收听

 As we speak, the bank is reassessing 银行此时正在重新评估

your financial viability as a mortgage holder, 你的还贷能力
and I think we both know that you fail to meet 我们都心知肚明
even the most lenient threshold for continued approval. 即使条件再宽松  你也达不到标准
Now this assessment is going to trigger an assumption clause, 紧跟这项评估会产生一项承担条款
allowing me to absorb your debt and own the bar outright. 让我负担你的债务  并获得酒吧所有权
Let me educate you about a few things. 我来给你分析
You either accept my very generous offer... 你要是不接受我的慷慨馈赠
or I will fight you every step of the way. 就别指望能顺顺当当
I will drag you through court. 我会告你
I will get every quaint blue-collar buddy of mine 还会集结滨水区所有工人
to block every bulldozer you throw at that waterfront. 堵住每一台推土机的去路
And I swear to God... 我对天发誓
I will make you wish you never heard the word "Montauk". 一定让你后悔知道蒙托克的存在
As I suspected, you are a man of principle. 如我所料  你很有原则
And I look forward to demonstrating 我期待着让你看看
what a man of means is truly capable of. 什么叫有钱能使鬼推磨
Good-bye, Jack. 再见  杰克