《复仇》第13集 第11期:既往不咎(在线收听

 Is it Daniel? 是丹尼尔吗

Aiden, he doesn't matter right now. 艾登  他现在不重要
He matters more than ever. He's our link to the initiative. 他至关重要  他是我们和联盟的纽带
Take the call. 接电话
- Daniel, hi. - There you are. -你好  丹尼尔  -终于接电话了
I was starting to think you were avoiding my calls. 我都开始怀疑你故意不接我电话了
Um, no, no. It's just been one of those days, you know? 没有  只是又忙起来了
Anything I can do to help? 需要我帮忙吗
No. Um... 不用
My accountant from my foundation 是基金会的会计师来找我
had me tied up all day, that's all. 一整天都在忙这事
Got it. I won't keep you. 明白了  我不会耽误你太久
It's just that we haven't talked since the other night. 只是那天之后我们都没说过话
And I... hope I didn't give the impression I was angry with you. 希望你不要误会  我没有生你的气
The truth is, I appreciated your honesty. 事实上  谢谢你的诚实
Not everyone would be so understanding. 很少能有人像你这么宽容
Well, learning how to forgive and forget 要在我家生活下去
is practically a survival technique in my family. 必须学会既往不咎
I'll-- I'll let you get back to your charity. 你继续工作吧
I'll see you back in the Hamptons. 汉普顿见
Yeah. 好的
Bye, Daniel. 再见  丹尼尔