《复仇》第13集 第16期:生命安全(在线收听

 Now I asked you to execute the purchase order, 我让你们立刻下订单

So do it already. 给我下就是了
If you execute this deal, you're going to come to regret it 如果达成这桩交易  不管你这辈子有多短
for the rest of your life, however short it will be. 都会后悔终身
What's this? 这是什么
Just read it, Daniel. 好好看就是了  丹尼尔
Your client-- Helen Crowley-- 你的客户  海伦·克劳利
She represents the Initiative. 她是联盟的人
And they have planned for you what they did to us 他们为你安排的道路就跟多年前
all those years ago 为我们安排的道路一样
when your father inadvertently 当初你父亲就是这样
helped down Flight 197. 无意中参与了197航班事件
Now if you go down the road with these people, 如果你要继续在这条路上走下去
you're not only endangering yourself, 不仅会危及到自己
but everyone that you care for, 还会危及到你在乎的所有人
including Emily Thorne. 包括艾米莉·索恩
Why didn't you tell me the truth? 为什么你一直不告诉真相
Because they made threats against your life, forcing my silence. 因为他们拿你的生命安全威胁我
And they will make good on these threats 一旦他们发现我已经告诉了你
if they ever find out we've spoken. 这些威胁就将成真
Well, if I don't make that transaction she's requested, 如果我不完成海伦要求的这笔交易
Helen's gonna suspect something's wrong. 她一定会有所怀疑