《复仇》第13集 第17期:蝴蝶结领带(在线收听

 Oh, my god. You kept it? 天呐  你居然一直留着

This just goes to show how long this was coming. 这个戒指见证了我们缘分的伊始
When we were kids, 我们都是小孩子的时候
Amanda and I actually acted out this day. 就预演了今天的场景
She made me this ring out of a pipe cleaner, 她拿绒条给我做了这个戒指
And she insisted... that I wear a bow tie... 还坚持让我戴蝴蝶领结
which looked a little something like this. 就像这样子的蝴蝶领结
What I remember... 我记得
is a feeling I didn't have a word for yet. 当时我产生了一种无法言喻的情感
But when I was old enough to recognize it as love, 但当我长大懂事  明白这就是爱的时候
you were gone. 你已经不在了
But that feeling stayed with me. 但那种情感一直没有消失
You were always in my heart. 你一直都在我心里
Amanda... 阿曼达
With this ring... 戴上这枚戒指
you'll be in my life forever. 你将成为我生命中的一部分
Jack Porter... 杰克·波特