《复仇》第14集 第3期:爱巢(在线收听

 What does she have on you? 她有你什么把柄

Well, instead of concerning yourself with the what, 与其关心是什么把柄
I suggest you focus on the who. 不如把重点放在谁有这个把柄上
Ms. Clarke has in her possession the ability 克拉克女士手握要密  有能力
to dismantle my entire campaign. 毁掉我整个竞选
All the more reason to postpone the announcement. 那就更应该推迟宣布竞选计划了
Oh, I'm afraid that's not an option. 不可能
Therefore I strongly recommend 因此  我强烈建议
that you use everything in your sizeable bag of tricks 你使出浑身解数
to prevent any further interference from Amanda Clarke. 别再让阿曼达·克拉克来骚扰我了
Welcome to my ultra-private, 欢迎来到我超级私密
completely untraceable mobile conference room. 完全无法追踪的移动会议室
Or local tavern, in your case. 对你来说  应该是当地酒馆吧
What are you doing at the Stowaway? 你在偷渡者酒吧干什么
Well, I told our favorite lovebirds 我答应我们最爱的那对小情侣
that I'd watch the bar while they're away... nesting. 他们在共筑爱巢时  我会帮他们看着酒吧
What's your 20, Mr. Bean? 你在什么地方  憨豆先生
That's confidential. 这是机密
You know the rules. 你知道规矩的
1,000 feet from the beach house at all times. 始终跟海滨别墅保持三百米的距离
Have to keep out of the way of prying Grayson eyes. 不能出现在爱偷窥的格雷森视线中
Well, Daniel's eyes aren't prying so much as drifting 最近丹尼尔总是行踪不定
as of late. 很少盯着我了
Look, forgive me. 原谅我这么说
But wasn't the whole purpose of snuggling back up with Daniel 但和丹尼尔复合的全部目的难道不是
to get in with the Initiative? 借机接近联盟吗
Yes, one of them, but-- 只是其中一个目的  但是...
Well, then there's another angle we've yet to explore. 那我们还能从其他地方下手