《复仇》第14集 第17期:真正的家(在线收听

 Tell me Jack's gonna be okay. 杰克会没事的  对吧

We'll know as soon as Nolan comes back with the boat. 诺兰驾船回来  我们就知道了
Just try to be still. Save your energy. 别乱动  保存体力
Damn it. 可恶
Jack... 杰克
And my baby... 和我的孩子
I need to know that you'll take care of them. 你要保证以后照顾好他们
Don't you talk like that. 别这么说
Oh, god. 天啊
Give me your word. 向我保证
I promise. 我保证
Oh, my god. I'm so sorry. 天啊  真对不起
Don't be. 不要感到抱歉
You've given me the one thing that I thought I'd never have... 你给了我从前不敢奢求的东西
A real family. 一个真正的家