《复仇》第15集 第1期:杰克被射伤(在线收听

 You've reached Nate. You know what to do. 我是奈特  请留言

Damn it. 见鬼
Where the hell is he? 他死去哪里了
Was that Trask? What did he say? 刚才是查斯克吗  他说什么
No, it wasn't Trask. He hasn't made contact. 不是查斯克  他还没联系我们
So we have no idea if the Initiative 所以我们丝毫不知联盟是否
is buying our story about Amanda Clarke? 相信我们讲的阿曼达·克拉克的事
Our story happens to be the truth. 我们讲的恰巧就是事实
The computer she threatened me with 只要她用来威胁我的电脑还流落在外
is as real as the jeopardy we're in 那我们的危险千真万确
as long as it remains out there. 不亚于这台电脑的存在
Then nothing's changed. 那么什么都没有改变
After all the plotting, scheming, and murder, 在这么多阴谋诡计  杀人灭口之后
this family's in as much danger as ever. 我们一家还是身处危机当中
No, we don't know that either. 不  这点我们也不确定
I mean, no news in this case could very well be good news. 这时候没消息也许是最好的消息
They got him through surgery, and they took the bullet out, 医生实施了手术  取出了子弹
but that's all they'll tell me on the phone. 但是他们不愿意在电话里多说了
Charlotte, what's happened? 夏洛特  发生了什么
Jack's been shot. 杰克被射伤了
Oh, my god. 我的天呐
Mom, I need you to watch Carl. 妈妈  我希望你能帮我看一下卡尔
No, of course. Where's Amanda? 当然可以  阿曼达在哪
We don't know. She hasn't checked in at the hospital, 我们不知道  她没在医院
and she's not answering her phone. 也不接电话
I have to go. 我得走了
All part of the plan? 这也是计划的一部分吗
Exactly how much blood are you two comfortable with? 你俩还能忍心伤害多少人命
'Cause I just hit my limit. 因为我已经到了极限
One way or another, I'm shutting these barbarians down. 无论如何  我要叫停这野蛮的行为
Daniel, wait. 丹尼尔  等等