《复仇》第15集 第3期:复仇的欲望(在线收听

 When exactly is the time, Aiden? 那何时才可以呢  艾登

I have never seen her like this before. 我从未见她这样过
I don't know if Emily's in control anymore. 我都不确定艾米莉是否崩溃了
- It's gotta stop. - This can't stop. -这事必须有个了断  -没法了断的
Emily's need for revenge is all she has left right now. 艾米莉现在只剩复仇的欲望了
You take that away,and I promise you, 如果你不让她复仇  我向你保证
we will lose her,too. 我们也会失去她的
Charlotte just called. 夏洛特刚才打电话了
Jack's out of surgery. I'm going over there. 杰克手术完了  我要去一趟
What do you need me to do? 你需要我做什么吗
Continue hunting down the Initiative. 继续追踪联盟
Now that Conrad's running for governor, 现在康拉德在竞选州长
he'll be forced to vacate his seat on Grayson Global's Board, 所以他必须退出格雷森国际的董事会
which means that you can get closer to Daniel 这意味着你可以接近丹尼尔
and finally get rid of Helen Crowley. 最终干掉海伦·克劳利
I think someone may have already beat me to that. 我想有人已经提前下手了
The phone's been disconnected, 她的电话一直不通
and Padma's already been assigned a new contact. 而且帕德玛也有了新的联系人
Then see if you can find out what happened to her. 那你就去看看她出了什么事
What, you think it's the Graysons? 怎么  你认为格雷森一家干的
Who else? 还能是谁
Are you coming, Nolan? 你来吗  诺兰
Go. 去吧