《复仇》第15集 第8期:父亲还活着(在线收听

 How's Jack? 杰克怎么样了

Oh,the doctors say he could wake up at any time. 医生说他随时可能醒过来
- You okay? - Not exactly. -你还好吗  -不怎么好
Your deadline is imminent, Ms. Lahari. 你的期限就要到了  拉哈里女士
Fail to meet it, there will be consequences. 要是达不成  后果很严重
Okay, look, don't panic. 听着  别慌
Not until we know if... 直到我们知道是否...
what they sent you truly belongs to your father. 他们寄给你的东西确实属于你父亲
When will that be? 那要等到什么时候
Look, I'll interface immigration 我会和移民局交涉
and check your father's fingerprint. 核查你父亲的指纹
I'm not handing over that program 我不会交出那个项目的
until we know that your father is alive. 除非知道你父亲还活着
I know I betrayed you. 我知道我背叛过你
But you're the only person who can save him. 但你是唯一能救他的人
I'm running out of time. 我快没时间了
Did--do you still have Helen's number? 你还有海伦的电话号码吗
It's been disconnected. 电话打不通
Well, give it to me anyway. 还是给我吧
She probably met that creepy voice mail guy somewhere. 她可能见过那个吓人的语音留言男
Her phone records might tell us where she was last. 她的电话录音或许会告诉我们她在哪
You should get back to Nolcorp. 你得回诺氏集团了
They might be watching. 他们可能会监视你
I'll meet you at the office, okay? 我在办公室见你  行吗