《复仇》第15集 第14期:谋杀(在线收听

 Well, he's, uh, he's doing quite well 在这样的情况下

given the circumstances. 他表现得很坚强
Sadly, I don't think 遗憾的是
we're ever gonna know exactly what happened on that boat. 我们永远不会知道那船上究竟发生了什么
You know, I'm gonna need some signatures from you. 我需要你帮我签几个字
Jack, what are you doing? 杰克  你在做什么
- You just got out of surgery. - Whoa, jack. -你刚做完手术  -别这样  杰克
Just lay back down. 躺下就是
I gotta get outta here and finish what Amanda started 我得离开这里  趁还来得及
before it's too late. 完成阿曼达未竟的事情
Too late for what? What-- what are you talking about? 什么来不及  你在说什么
The real reason Amanda came back to the Hamptons 阿曼达回到汉普顿真正原因
is the Graysons framed her father. 是因为格雷森一家陷害了她父亲
Everything she needs to expose them 能够揭发他们的所有证据
is on some computer she stole from Conrad. 都在她从康拉德那里偷到的电脑里
That's why they murdered her. 所以他们才谋杀了她
I gotta find it before Grayson does. 我得在格雷森之前找到它
Just tell us where it is and we'll find it for you. 告诉我们在哪里  我们替你去找
I don't know where it is. That's the thing. 我不知道在哪里  这才是问题所在
Look, you ca--you can't tell anyone about this, 听着  你们不能把这事告诉任何人
especially the police. 尤其是警方
We won't, but you are much safer here, 不会的  但你在这里要更安全
especially if what you say is true. 特别是  如果你说的为真
If you don't help me get out of here, 如果你不帮我离开这里
I will walk out myself. 我就自己走出去
Okay, listen, we will arrange for help at the Stowaway, 听着  我们会在偷渡者酒吧安排帮手
but it's gonna take some time. 但需要一点时间
Just don't do anything until we come for you. 我们来找你前  别轻举妄动